
17 December 2010
As is to be expected, mainstream media forgot to cover the antiwar protest at the White House today. Readers of the Free Press understand that the frustration of protesting under a media blackout. According to Rob Kall, editor of...
11 September 2010
Libby and Jerica are in the front seat of the Prius, and Mary and I are in back. We just left Oklahoma, we're heading into Shamrock, Texas, and tomorrow we'll be Indian Springs, Nevada, home of Creech Air Force Base. We've been discussing...
30 August 2010
On Saturday I marched with ten thousand people in downtown Detroit demanding "Good Jobs Now" as part of Rev. Jesse Jackson's "Rebuild America" rally. I then visited my desolate boyhood westside Detroit neighborhood, Brightmoor, to remind...
25 August 2010
It felt surreal to be inside the home of Erik Prince, the founder, owner and chairman of Blackwater (or Xe, as it is now called). Prince, a former Navy Seal, provides security for the CIA, the Pentagon and the State Department. His company...
23 June 2010
Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. U.S. Constitution Amendment I...
29 April 2010
As a leftist, I already came from a political analysis that was anti-prison, and thought that I had a fairly good idea of what being in jail would be like. I certainly knew it wasn't going to fun when I volunteered to get arrested with the...


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