
24 September 2009
Helena Wong is now speaking. She is working with a group called , as an acronym , CAAAV. She is telling stories about individuals and families experiencing hardship caused by, according to her, by "corporate and capitalist elites" have...
24 September 2009
Wilt Thompkins is now speaking. "We must network" and "create land trusts" to protect communities. "You cannot afford to be tired
24 September 2009
Now Priva Hang ' andu of the organizatipn called Jubilee Zambia is speaking. Poor countries need to be part of decision-making. US has suppoerted repressive regime in the Congo. Why should South Africa service a debt that was used against...
24 September 2009
Jihon Gearon of the Indigenous Environmental Network said our society values comfort over clean air and water. She is speaking about the connections between environmentalism and militarism and she is speaking against green-washing. We want...
24 September 2009
Another speaker is talking about Burma changing from being the rice bowl of Asia to being a country used for Russia and other countries which use that money to fund their military. She also said we must stand with Honduras. The...
23 September 2009
On Tuesday, Sept 22, activists from Philadelphia, New York City, Pittsburgh and other cities held a mock funeral procession to demand better policies for addressing the AIDS pandemic, a day ahead of the arrival of delegates for the G-20...


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