
20 July 2005
Freep Heroes: Out of Iraq Congressional Caucus

With six out of ten Americans saying the U.S. should withdraw from Iraq, finally four key legislators introduced a resolution in Congress demanding that W begin to bring U....
19 July 2005
BANGKOK, Thailand -- A defrocked Buddhist novice who roasted a baby to create a powerful ghost has been arrested for allegedly tricking women into giving him cash and sex during useless animist rituals, according to police and anti-...
13 July 2005
BANGKOK, Thailand -- The Osama bin Laden cigarette lighter is adorned with his raised, chrome portrait, an embossed "9.11", sketches of the World Trade Center, an approaching airplane, and a big red splotch.

When you flick the...
13 July 2005
The tooth fairy, Santa Claus, WorldCom profits, the Easter Bunny, al-Qaeda.

The cruel, evil jerks who blew up the London subway last week, despite appropriating al-Qaeda's name for their website and T-shirts, have about as...
08 July 2005
Norman Solomon is a syndicated columnist on media and politics, as well as founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, a national consortium of policy researchers and analysts. His new book, “War Made Easy: How...
08 July 2005
BANGKOK, Thailand -- About 6,500 ethnic Hmong, who illegally crossed the Mekong River into Thailand, suffered the death of a baby girl after Thai officials reportedly ordered people not to feed or help them.

Si Yang,...


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