
"Happy Mother's Day" by Liamfm . is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Twelve important items to browse and share as you see fit to help end the
march of folly to a regional and global war.

ITEM 1: 21st March we celebrate Mothers' Day. For the record this was
founded by Anna Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe as  "Mothers' Day For Peace"
where mothers demanded an end to wars and stop sacrificing people on the
altar of men's racism, greed, and egos. Look it up.  I remember my own
mother who fought for peace and died peacefully last year remembering a
 massacred friend of hers (Hayah Balbisi from Deir Yassin killed April 1948
by terrorist Zionist militias).

ITEM 2: Update on the genocide. 32,000 confirmed civilians murdered in the
genocide on Gaza till now (and thousands more missing under the rubble).
Genocide by US sponsored Israeli junta military both by carpet bombings and
by starvation and thirst. The levels of misery and genocide in Gaza is part
and parcel of colonial tactics to destroy indegineous communities who stand
between the colonizers and their vision of transforming the land to a new
reality sans indigineous people. Here is shocking report on Israeli-made
The Israeli regime is committing massacres in Al-Shifa hospital (over 150
killed, over 250 injured including medical personnel and patients). Also
Israel kidnapped most of the medical staff and electricity cutoff resulted
in many deaths in the intensive care unit
and they also killed the police chief in Gaza city in charge of
coordinating humanitarian affairs with UN agencies. The situation of the
half a million people who remain in Gaza city is getting worse daily. Here
is a graphic (CAUTION) example of one of hundreds of massacres committed by
these colonizers supported by the US colonizers
The daily flood of videos and images continues. Here is a the execution of
four unarmed civilians documented by an Israeli drone image (the drone
and a testimony of a survivor of this ongoing holocaust
Israel's Ultimate Goal Is Ethnic Cleansing
Footballers last words
Killing a 12 yo
Israel denies UN humanitarian chief entry to Gaza

Meanwhile the US is helping implement the Zonist plan of genocide (with
weapons and shielding from international law) AND to ethnically cleanse
others as already started via Egypt and will accelerate via the "temporary
port" being built by the US.  The US cynically offers UN resolutions for
temporary pauses, release of 100 Israeli (but not the 11,000 Palestinian)
captives. The US buys Israel time to finish using genocide to cause full
surrender of any surviving Palestinians and liquidate the Palestinian
cause. Why not diplomacy and end the 76 year war on the Palestinian people
by giving us our rights (especially to return refugees and
self-determination). And sleazy Secretary of State Blinken and other use
officials will be talking with their partners in Crime in Washington next
week to develop (in their words) "An integrated military, political, and
humanitarian" plan to a"achieve victory and get Israel out of this strong
so that Palestine is finished and colonial Israel can expand its colonial
empire outside Palestine. Even as Israel announces thousands of new
colonial settlement units on Palestinian lands, the flood of US taxpayer
money and weapons continues to the fascist junta running the "Jewish state".

ITEM 3: Event: Saturday, 23 March 4:30 London time, 6:30 PM Palestine
time.  Palestine, People, Planet: We go online to explore the devastating
environmental and social impact of the war on the Palestinian people with 3
leading Palestinian scientists. For more and to register

ITEM 4: Here is how a native american summed it up in succinct effective

ITEM 5: Saudi Arabia to partner with zionist firm likely giving it $40
billion (Horowiz is a known right wing fascist) and to UNRWA only 40
million.  The Kingdom is also saving the Israeli economy from total
collapse by operating a land bridge from the Gulf through its land and via
Jordan.Time to change course?

ITEM 6: Israel losing the war on six fronts

ITEM 7: Collateral genocide: what really happened on 7 Oct 2023

ITEM 8: On the Origins and Deployment of Semitic and Antisemitic Tropes

ITEM 9: It is time to register AIPAC as a foreign agent

ITEM 10: Trump Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Calls for Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
to 'Finish the Job': Kushner, who served as a key Middle East adviser to
Trump, said that Gaza's "waterfront property could be very valuable" and
urged Israel to "clean it up."

 ITEM 11: “I, Lee Mordechai, a historian and an Israeli citizen, testify in
this document, as events are unfolding, to the horrible situation in the
Gaza Strip. I write my personal opinion out of a sense of double
responsibility: as a citizen whose country is committing what I consider as
grave crimes, and as an academic, who believes that after having dedicated
my career to research I am obliged to speak up against injustice,
especially when it is so close. I write also because of the disappointing
general silence on this issue among many international and Israeli academic
institutions, especially those that are well-positioned to comment on it.”

ITEM 12: The International Criminal Court is biased and appoints biased
The people must challenge this.

Stay Human, keep Palestine alive, organize, act, share

Mazin Qumsiyeh
A bedouin in cyberspace, a villager at home
Professor, Founder, and (volunteer) Director
Palestine Museum of Natural History
Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability
Bethlehem University
Occupied Palestine
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