
22 March 2003
Dear friends,

In Baghdad, as I write, things are relatively quiet. Today IPT delegate Wade Hudson had a chance to take a limited drive around Baghdad with a driver and a government minder. After passing by the still smoking...
20 March 2003
Veterans For Peace has sent an open letter to fifteen generals and admirals in the top ranks of the US Military advising them of their possible liabilities, under international law, to criminal prosecution for being part of a pre-emptive...
19 March 2003
As the hour of murder nears, people are gearing up to voice their outrage at George Bush's foreign policy. It seems that he feels that killing tens of thousands of innocent people to get his "target", Saddam Hussein, is a good foreign...
19 March 2003
As we all know, some evil-doers have forged some evidence against Iraq.

These same evil-doers have misused the U. S. Government, attempting to deceive the whole American people, and the whole mankind.

19 March 2003
This is my last ditch effort to show the hypocrisy within President Bush’s administration regarding its policies toward Iraq and its President, Saddam Hussein, just as the United States and Britain prepares to invade the country.  
19 March 2003
These are some of the letters collected by the Iraq Peace Team over the last three weeks at Baghdad high schools.

Al-Adamia Secondary School for Girls – Baghdad

March 3, 2003

Dear Friends,


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