Israel’s renewed assault on Gaza comes several months after both...
The Israeli regime supported by the US regime just attacked the people of
Gaza strip killing 304 civilians (reported so far last night to this
morning) and injuring hundreds. Men, women, children are being slaughtered
Citizens of America. Are you prepared to sit back and watch another round of genocide of innocent human beings in Gaza? It is clear that President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu have reached an agreement. In the meeting rooms at the...
As much of the American public reflexively freaks out over Trump's sudden capitulation in it's proxy war against Russia, one must consider the options, as I have...
After Donald Trump began to pull together his cabinet and inner circle it became pretty clear that the overwhelming tie that bound the group together was its embrace of Israel and everything...
Social media is awash with liberal progressive WOKE people decrying Trump's decision to end the American Empire's proxy war against Russia. I certainly understand why liberal progressive WOKE people despise Trump, as I am one of them....