
14 March 2016

“What I’m not trying to do is just pass legislation. I’m trying to change the face of American politics.”

Pull these words out of the context of “the news” and let them pulse like the heartbeat of the future.

The words are...

Cover of Free Press, artist rendering of Bernie Sanders, people marching in the background
01 March 2016

It’s Monday night at Dempsey’s, a perennial Democratic Party meet-up spot in downtown Columbus. The Ohio presidential primary is five weeks away. Powerful members of the Franklin County Democratic Central Committee are meeting to plot...

20 February 2016



Scaring People Out of Their Wits Over Pseudo-Pandemics (Swine Flu, Avian Flu, SARS, Ebola and now Zika)



01 February 2016

Myth # 1:

“The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) tests all new psychiatric drugs”

False. Actually the FDA only reviews studies that were designed, administered, secretly...

27 January 2016

When I want to believe that America is a democracy — indeed, to feel so deeply this is so that my soul trembles — I turn to Martin Luther King, who gave his life for it.

He cried out for something so much more than a...

07 December 2015

Here is a condensed version of President Obama's speech from the Oval Office on Sunday night, unofficially translated into plain English:


I kind of realize we can’t kill our way out of this conflict with ISIL,...


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