09 March 2009
BILL MOYERS: Welcome to the Journal.

The battle is joined as they say - and here's the headline that framed it: "High Noon: Geithner v. The American Oligarchs." The headline is in one of the most informative new sites in the...
07 March 2009
Portland, Oregon -- Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 290 has endorsed HR 676, single payer healthcare legislation introduced by Congressman John Conyers (D-MI). The 4,000 member local has jurisdiction in Northern California, Southwest...
19 February 2009
SEATTLE, WA. Feb. 17, 2009 – A 57-year old Seattle coffee bean entrepreneur hopes he just brewed a pot of trouble for former president Bush and others in his administration.

On February 7th Bob Alexander his wife, Arminda and...
17 February 2009
My fellow Americans. We face extraordinarily difficult times on a number of fronts. My Administration has inherited difficulties unprecedented in the adult lifetime and memory of anyone younger than about 90. Tonight I plan to discuss with...
08 February 2009
Set phasors to Stimulus!

Liberal bloggers seem to be lining up in favor of the $1 trillion-plus stimulus bill to rescue Starship Free Enterpise by boldly going where no economy has gone before.

One guy at...
02 February 2009
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your efforts in my urgent time of need, you cannot imagine how much my spirit has been lifted from the cards and letters, the phone calls and how everyone kept up the pressure. My gratitude is...


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