13 June 2007
Mort Sahl is now 80 years old. He was a pioneer in stand-up comedy. He broke through the tradition of jokes about airplane food, Asian drivers and frigid wives, instead sharing his wit and insights about political hypocrisy, racism and...
08 June 2007
While Scooter Libby packs his toothbrush, and maintenance crews resurface the tennis courts at Allenwood Prison Farm in preparation for a distinguished class of incoming freshmen, the news industry speculates on when a presidential pardon...
29 May 2007
This Monica revealed something hotter — much hotter — than a stained blue dress. In her opening testimony yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee, Monica Goodling, the blonde-ling underling to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and...
18 May 2007
Detroit City Council approved 7-0 Wednesday a resolution sponsored by the wife of U.S. Rep. John Conyers to impeach President George Bush and Vice President Richard Cheney.

Congressman Conyers is the chairman of the House...
18 May 2007
Biography of Kathleen Parker excerpted from The Washington Post Writers Group page:

Now one of America's most popular opinion columnists, appearing in more than 350 newspapers, Parker is at home both inside and outside the...
16 May 2007
In the House of Representatives last week Democratic Party Congress members lead the way to approve money for Star Wars research and development programs in the fiscal year 2008 budget.

Rejecting the recommendations of a sub-...


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