
24 September 2009
Protestestors cried out "America, land of the free, home of the brave" and asked onlookers or anyone else who might be watching and listening in other parts of the world, why the US government is backing the Ethiopian dictatorship....
24 September 2009
Alberto Arroyo of Red Mexicana de Accion Frente al Libre Comercio is speaking . He said G-20 wants his people to produce crops used to fuel their nations' car instead of using them for food. They have taken away our right to be able to...
24 September 2009
Some activists plan to hold a march this afternoon without a permit from the city. At least two people working with independent media organizations here in Pittsburgh say that the march is almost certain to involve many arrests. During the...
24 September 2009
Though it's not clear whether any of the G-20 officials are paying attention to this protest,let alone the question about the extent to which any of them care about the issues , well, an idea is that these G-20-related events have value...
24 September 2009
za of United Students Against Sweatshops, said that Obama is wrong by saying that G-20 protestors have too abstract ideas in terms of their opposition to G-20.
24 September 2009
are pretty much just as bad as the G-20 protestors. Of course not everyone thinks this.


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