
30 March 2019

Trump wants to leave 31% of discretionary spending for all things non-military, while Bernie wants to ...

09 March 2019
DemilitarizationNorth America

By Nicolas J S Davies, World BEYOND War

The world faces...

06 March 2019

Despite claims by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to have defeated its own troops using Facebook (and, really, what plot...

09 February 2019

Reader Supported News

04 February 19

In 1985, an activist for the relatives of the disappeared [persons in Guatemala], named Rosario Godoy, was abducted by the...
06 February 2019


At the recent World Economic Forum at Davos, a U.S. panelist claimed that high taxes on the super-wealthy and economic growth had never coexisted in any country ever. The moderator and other panelists were ready...


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