
09 January 2020

The huge crisis with Iran is more dangerous because so many Democrats have been talking out of both sides of their congressional mouths.


An example is the recent rhetoric from Sen. Chris Murphy. “The attack on our...

09 January 2020

Once upon a time there was a Constitution of the United States. In Article II, Section 2 it stipulated that only the U.S. Congress has the power to declare war, which means the American president has to go to the legislative body and...

08 January 2020


There is a significant body of evidence that human extinction is now imminent; that is, it will occur within the next few years and possibly this year: 2020. There is also a significant body of evidence that human extinction is...

08 January 2020

"We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we do about peace - more about killing than we do about living...

07 January 2020

An important job of any U.S. president is to propose an annual budget to Congress. The basic outline of such a budget can consist of a list or a pie chart communicating — in dollar amounts and/or percentages — how much government...


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