
31 October 2007
Of the eleven major peace rallies organized around the country by United for Peace and Justice last Saturday the smallest and most unusual took place in Jonesborough, Tennessee.  Jonesborough is a town of about 4,000 people in the...
31 October 2007
On the invitation six members of the Canadian Parliament to speak October 25 on Canada’s Parliament Hill as a member of a panel called “Peacebuilders Without Borders: Challenging the Post-0/11 Canada-US Security Agenda,” I arrived at the...
29 October 2007
PARIS: A group of U.S. and European human rights organizations is pursuing a legal complaint against Donald Rumsfeld in a Paris court that accuses the former defense secretary of being responsible for torture.

The group, which...
27 October 2007
Remarks at October 27, 2007, rally in Jonesborough, Tenn., preceding march to Aerojet Ordnance, manufacturers of Depleted Uranium weapons.

There are those who think Congress should keep shelling out our grandchildren's money...
19 October 2007
If Bush and Cheney attack Iran, we will almost certainly know it's coming. For months prior to the invasion of Iraq, even while the corporate media bombarded us with the pretense that Bush and Cheney had not yet decided on war, other...
07 October 2007
WASHINGTON - October 3 – Two well-respected US peace activists, CODEPINK and Global Exchange cofounder Medea Benjamin and retired Colonel and diplomat Ann Wright, were denied entry into Canada today (Wednesday, October 3). The two women...


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