
17 July 2013
I can't say I was surprised at the verdict. Because, to apply the famous words of George Zimmerman, these assholes always get away. There is a lot of blame to go around...
17 July 2013
If Trayvon Martin were not a young black male, he would be alive today. Despite the verdict, it's clear that George Zimmerman would never have confronted a young white man wearing a hoodie. He would, at the very least, have listened to the...
17 July 2013
Did the ghosts of our slave-holding and Jim Crow past high-five each other in the Florida courtroom on Saturday? George Zimmerman was acquitted, but does that mean that American history was, too?

The experts who weighed in...
16 July 2013
This morning in the Oval Office they had a weekly event called “Terror Tuesday.” Terror Tuesday is when the meeting where President Obama, leader of the free world, looks over his disposition matrix and decides who will be killed by drone...
15 July 2013
Trayvon Martin is dead, and his killer is walking free. The injustice of the situation is both palpable and maddening.
It is clear that had George Zimmerman not acted as an armed vigilante almost a year and a half ago, Trayvon...


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