12 September 2011
Tuesday, September 13th, 2011, 12:30 -3:00 PM - President Obama will be visiting the Fort Hayes Academic High School as part of his trip promoting the American Jobs Act. We'll be there to raise awareness about the tremendous danger that...
12 September 2011
Had someone asked me ten years ago by what mechanism I might realize my long-held dream of a Third Major Party, my reply would have sounded alot like Facebook: Some kind of internet-based (thus coast-to-coast) free, un-censored, totally...
12 September 2011
A decade later. The abyss keeps deepening, the wars keep squandering our blood and treasure beyond all logic except the logic of violence.
What ended on Sept. 11, 2001, it sometimes seems, was human evolution.

12 September 2011
11 September 2011
Back in my native New York on Thursday, I was bolstered by a scene of what I call the real New Yorkers (along with tourists and honking cab drivers) joining in a protest of the adulation bestowed on torture lawyer John Yoo at the swank...
08 September 2011
From an Israeli point of view, Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is the ideal American politician. Although many in the US government aspire to her level of commitment to Israel, few can measure up to a dedication that extends beyond the...


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