17 April 2011
Norman Solomon -- the North Bay political activist who has been a leader of the region’s Green New Deal commission and the national Healthcare Not Warfare campaign -- announced on Wednesday (April 13) that he has filed with the Federal...
13 April 2011
On April 7th, I joined 4000 other pro-choice activists for the 2011 Stand Up for Women’s Health rally in Washington, D.C. Organized by Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-choice America and a myriad of partners, the importance of the rally is...
11 April 2011
To every Journalist and Media Reformer assembled here in Boston:

How does the Big Lie flourish and prosper? By being criminal beyond belief. By operating in safety behind a towering "never happen here" wall of denial....
10 April 2011
A battle for the heart and soul of American democracy is being waged in this country. But it might not be the battle you�re watching.

While most news outlets have focused on a possible federal government shutdown, an even...
06 April 2011
The Obama administration’s decision to use a military tribunal rather than a federal criminal court to try alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others means the real motives behind the 9/11 attacks may remain obscure....


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