
18 March 2010
Not long ago, the most prominent supporters of the public option were touting it as essential for healthcare reform. Now, suddenly, it's incidental.

In fact, many who were lauding a public option as the key to a better...
18 March 2010
America’s charade of change comes complete with national “debate” and a slight readjustment of the center to accommodate the Bush Lite policies of the Obama presidency.

What matters is that any change President Obama proposes...
17 March 2010
The nuclear power industry is sending a clear and forceful message to the citizens of Vermont: "Drop Dead."

The greeting applies to Ohio, New York, California and a nation under assault from a "renaissance" so far hyped with...
17 March 2010
If the Democrats don't get the youth vote, they're toast. That happened in Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts, where young Obama voters stayed home in droves. It's an ugly conceivable future portended by a new Harvard poll that shows...
13 March 2010
Click on the link to go to the WCRS site and listen to the latest "Unconscious Voices" radio program featuring Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman. Produced by Tom Over, Robb Ebright, Josh Paulson and Joey Pigg.


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