24 September 2009
Wilt Thompkins is now speaking. "We must network" and "create land trusts" to protect communities. "You cannot afford to be tired
23 September 2009
On Tuesday, Sept 22, activists from Philadelphia, New York City, Pittsburgh and other cities held a mock funeral procession to demand better policies for addressing the AIDS pandemic, a day ahead of the arrival of delegates for the G-20...
23 September 2009
A couple of hours after an AIDS Funeral March and Protest outside the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, about 60 activists associated with the Bail Out the People Movement demonstrated in the same spot, on Tuesday, Sept 22.
22 September 2009
France's atomic power industry is a failed radioactive flame. Its 58 reactors are unpopular, unsafe, uneconomical, dirty, direct agents of global warming, weapons proliferators and major generators of atomic waste for which there is no...
21 September 2009
16 September 2009
US Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) and US Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) hosted what was billed as an "energy summit" at the Ohio State University's 4-H Center on Sept 2, 2009. Joining the panel of Republican lawmakers opposed to Waxman-Markey,...


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