29 January 2009
George Washington raised large quantities of hemp. So did Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and virtually every other 1700s American farmer.
It is also highly likely at least some of them smoked its potent sibling, now known as...
It is also highly likely at least some of them smoked its potent sibling, now known as...
27 January 2009
The world may learn next week what inherent contempt means. (It's not just a feeling in your gut.)
John Conyers just subpoenaed Karl Rove to appear February 2nd, and nobody seems terribly confident he'll show.
John Conyers just subpoenaed Karl Rove to appear February 2nd, and nobody seems terribly confident he'll show.
27 January 2009
A few days after the inauguration, in a piece celebrating the arrival of the Obama administration, New York Times columnist Bob Herbert wrote that the new president has clearly signaled: “No more crazy wars.”
I wish....
I wish....