
30 December 2015


If you have to obsess over a political candidate who's ocassionally allowed on television, please do so with Ted Rall's book on Bernie. This is not John Nichols'...

28 December 2015

Write about love, as in love thy enemy, and the social recoil sounds like this:

“There is no nexus at which we can speak with ISIS. Singing Kumbaya while being led to a beheading can’t work.”

Or this:

“Any thug who...

20 December 2015

Leaders provide vision. They help people understand where they are, how they got there and what they must do to go forward. They help calm nerves and strengthen courage. They are steady in times of trouble, inspiring in times of...

Members of Jewish Voice for Peace hold a symbolic menorah against racism and Islamophobia at the Ohio State University.
14 December 2015

In response to the growing intolerance against Islam expressed in Donald Trump’s call for a...


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