
20 January 2006
On New Year's Day, I decided to start 2006 out with a public protest against the war.  Little did I know how public it would become.

My younger brother and I (he was only the wheelman, led astray) tagged three highway...
20 January 2006
AUSTIN, Texas --- I'd like to make it clear to the people who run the Democratic Party that I will not support Hillary Clinton for president.

Enough. Enough triangulation, calculation and equivocation. Enough clever...
19 January 2006
It's not really terrorists George W. Bush wants to bug and torture. It's YOU.

It's not really terrorism he wants to fight. It's opposition from people he can't control.

It's not really US security he wants to...
19 January 2006
Legalized killing requires official justifications. The execution of Clarence Ray Allen was no exception.

A prosecutor explained that “he masterminded the murders of three innocent young people and conspired to attack the...
19 January 2006
The media buzz about impeachment may be at 1 percent of the level it was during Monicagate, but guess what? The imperial presidency has less public support right now than the promiscuous presidency did at its lowest point - and as this...


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