
08 September 2005
AUSTIN, Texas -- George W. Bush has come up with his worst idea since he decided to have the military investigate torture by the military at Abu Ghraib prison. He, George W. personally, plans to investigate to "find out what went right...
08 September 2005
On the 20th day, when the Rovian hordes of paid-for astroturf political operatives and uncritical Fourth Reich fanatics descended on Crawford, Texas, Cindy Sheehan used the "f" word.

I finally figured out George Bush's...
08 September 2005
Every fall, Project Censored presents the 25 most censored stories of the past year. The Columbus Institute for Contemporary Journalism (CICJ) is proud to announce that Editor Bob Fitrakis and Senior Editor Harvey Wasserman's...
08 September 2005
In an era when journalistic integrity has all but given way to the corporate bottom line and the regurgitation of government spin, a new book is being published. Goats in Prison: From Hippies to Headlines will offer an exciting look at the...
07 September 2005
At a pre-trial hearing, federal U.S. district Judge Algenon L. Marbley questioned FBI Special Agent James Turgal concerning the agency's handling of Nuradin Abdi, the so-called "mall bomber."

The August 26 Dispatch...


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