
15 April 2002
A triumphant story about National Public Radio appeared in late March on the front page of Current, the main newspaper of the public-broadcasting industry. "NPR Lands Most Listeners Ever," the headline announced, over a summary of the...
12 April 2002
The “chemtrails” debate is heating up in Ohio, just like the planet. The Akron Beacon Journal became the first large mainstream daily newspaper to cave in and cover the issue in a front page story entitled, “Conspiracy theorists look...
12 April 2002
     ancient trees standing
     so many leaves it seems….
     have fallen so early this year
burning trees
now fallen too
returned to the earth
preceded by millions
in other places
10 April 2002
Welcome to the spring Green issue of the Columbus Free Press, an actually remaining free press. Most of the American mainstream press have determined that Bushism is 21st century Americanism. In the words of ACLU of Ohio Legal Director...
09 April 2002
AUSTIN, Texas -- Well, things do seem to be going to hell, don't they? The beauty of having fled to Mexico for a week to escape the endless blat of television news is that it leaves you with enough energy to tackle the subject of the...
05 April 2002
In times of crisis, many policymakers and journalists pay special attention to the editorializing from America's most influential papers. The spin of news coverage and the mix of individual opinion pieces usually indicate the outlooks...


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