Articles by Author

10 October 2004
Once again, the hatred and lies of free press reaches hilarious proportions. Kerry got absolutely punked on Friday. However, he did do one thing right: He didn...
31 May 2004
More lies, lies, lies from freepress. Who cares  if a bunch of Marxist historians and professors think Dubya is a horrible president? They're wrong.  George...
25 April 2004
More Fitrakis lies, they never stop. George W. Bush is not a war criminal. He will not be tried for war crimes, and you know it. He's the best president we...
23 February 2004
As usual, Wasserman is wrong, wrong, wrong. George W. Bush is not the worst president ever. He is one of the best presidents. Wake up and smell the bong...
02 January 2004
Sheesh. How many lies can Bob Fitrakis spew forth? Let's get this straight. President Bush is not a moron. That 91 IQ story is an internet hoax. Bush won the...
12 October 2003
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Michael Medved show last Friday as Medved cleaned Wasserman's clock. As disgusted as I was with Wasserman spewing forth...