At a a recent filing at the PUCO, Duke Energy claimed that they cannot meet the energy efficiency standard once it hits 2% annually, and is trying to justify the building of a nuclear plant instead. There are a number of concerns here. First, many market potential studies have proven that Ohio’s standard is both technically and economically feasible, but if Duke is allowed to gut the standard, we think other utilities may try too. Also, many technologies are safer, cleaner, and cheaper than building a new nuclear plant including energy efficiency, wind power, and combined heat and power. We need to make sure the PUCO holds Duke accountable for securing the cheapest and safest resources possible, otherwise customer rates will go up and we will be stuck with a nuclear plant that we don’t need. There are two ways that individuals and organizations can get involved.

1. Sign the Action alert

2. Participate in the Public Hearing in Columbus on September 13 (see the first attachment for talking points and logistical details). Please note that it is critical to have folks at this hearing, because the PUCO and Duke are against having hearings in the Cincinnati area, which means we expect turnout to be very low. This is our chance to promote energy efficiency and renewables, speak out against the proposed nuclear plant, and embarrass the PUCO and Duke for making it difficult for their customers to provide testimony.

3. Send your own action alert or personal email to: and copy Governor Strickland.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please have them contact me. Thanks so much.

Jen Miller
Conservation Program Coordinator
Sierra Club Ohio Chapter
131 North High Street
Columbus Ohio 43215
Phone: 614.461.0734 ext 304
Fax: 614.461.0710