Very briefly:

  Just seen your web site. Think it's great - to the point and punchy. We are putting links to it from our site in New Zealand and would appreciate any reciprocal links or mentions you could manage.

When you have a moment please visit

Larry Ross, founder of Nuclear-Free NZ is planning some protests and US awareness raising projects soon and will send press releases nearer the time. I can't believe the news we get where the doting US population adores Bush, thinks he is a christian and cannot see what he is doing. They will not believe anything bad of him.

From the other side of the planet, I see this dangerous religious fervor where people no longer reason for themselves.

It was not so long ago that the US government was making people believe terrible stories of "Communist brainwashing" I see no difference here, just a different country. Hitler  had a few followers too.

I watched the "Club get-together" last night on TV and listened to high-ups along with Rumsfeld, white washing themselves out of responsibility and nitpicking about using the correct, inoffensive words to make it all seem justified, while the suffering goes on and on.

If it is in fact no worse than the "fraternity hazing", that is scandalous. That would mean that ordinary education in the US has "preparation for being extremely inhumane at every opportunity" included in the curriculum. Education is the key, always.

Lord of the Flies is a book about the behaviour of children, soldier are supposed to be adult and responsible.

I was watching TV when the live pictures of the 9/11 attack. It was shocking but completely understandable to me. I am English and not proud of a lot of the things that are now very much history, especially the first Crusades. And the States were first populated by predominately English. We need different philosophy. Something to help people to appreciate the good things in life instead of always wanting more. If people were happier with there lot less drugs would be used. If we took responsibility for the well being of others there would be so much less crime. Religion doesn't seem to help here - christians are not living as Jesus did. You don't see many voluntary crucifixion these days.

How can we get past the propaganda and censorship of the news and inform and convince the average person? After these pictures (that were the only thing that made Rumsfeld take notice of what was really happening) it is important to keep on a roll. Don't let them catch there breath. But who can do that, who is big enough? I am surprised that nobody has bumped off Bush before now. Has every one got a contract in Iraq? I have just thought "this may get screened or blocked. DO LET ME KNOW IF YOU GOT IT.

Sorry - I was going to be brief. Hope you are a speed reader :)

Thank you for what you are doing.
