"Oh dear father, I shall avenge your failures. I shall put thy name back in the graces of the powerful and wize writing in the black ink that fuels the fires of passion."

Sounds like some Shakespearean Gothic introduction. It appears to be what we are going through as a nation at this time. The son of the Bush is desperately trying to set his legacy right and in-between that we had the immoral and decant antics of Slick Willie. Come on, admit it, we are missing those times a little right now. Slick Willie was a lot of fun.

It's historic that Georgie Boy has been able to capture the house, the senate and get Carte' Blanc from the Untied Nations. The man is completely unstoppable. Or so it appears at this time.

He is not charismatic. He is not overly bright. He has that pick up your guns, shoot somebody attitude that just makes me have a seizure, and he is the second most popular president in our history. Slick Willie is still number one as far as popularity. Alas, the old hippie is confused. Have we so quickly forgotten what our great grandparents saw with the first big one and what our grand parents suffered through with the second wave and then there was our vacation in Korea, and then, the war that was never called a war that tore this country in half.

And we have had our little technological arm wrestling championships ever since. This is different. Yes, this is different. This is building into a full-scale war. Of course remember, or read about it in your history books that we went to Viet Nam in 1952 as advisors and inspectors and that war didn't end till 1974. Wasn't 1952 the first year they were also going to build a by-pass through Plain City?

We have the most advanced technological weapons known to man and the simple reason for that is that we don't like looking our enemy directly in the eye as we blow his life essence away. Let a smart bomb do the work for us. We are as a nation a people who have been searching for peace for a long time. Of course with some of the karma and history that we ourselves have created with the American Indians and the Black men and all women of this country this journey has been long and painful. We are like infants trying to understand right and wrong, good and evil and love and hatred and we still haven't gotten the "all creatures great and small" concept down yet.

Love songs and protest songs are hitting the airwaves again and even though it is not popular to be against war at this time. It is necessary that we are able to voice our concerns, disagreements and aberrance to violence and war.

"The future is such a fragile state oh Father Bush. I shall raise my mighty hand and I shall avenge thy name, write our legacy across the death, and smoke filled skies in the black ink that fuels the fires." Is it right that so many have died over the concepts of God and Government?

Mike Cheeseman, Blacklick, Ohio