EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter was submitted in response to an article in the Fall 2002 issue of the The Free Press: Questions that won’t be asked about Iraq.

To those of you who for whatever reason deem yourselves holier than thou, I am going to answer some of your questions. I don't expect you to read this and doubt seriously if you would understand it if you did. Liberals always ask questions that they really don't want answers to, but here goes. Let me preface this that I am a 50 yr old male and consider myself as a conservative, not necessarily a republican, and these are my opinions. Oh, by the way some of my answers are questions that I am sure no self respecting liberal has the integrity to answer!!!

1. Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War>> No we did not bomb them because we knew it would lead to virtual destruction of civilization

2. which just confirms that there is no real threat?>> What leads you to claim there is no threat?

3. Is it not true that those who argue..with inspections ...hiding weapons, at the same time imply... No, but last time I checked 1+1 still equaled 2

4. Is it not true that the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency>>Big deal, the UN is a worthless organization whose only goal is one global government, I know this makes you all feel warm and fuzzy.

5. Is it not true that the intelligence community>>How do you know what secrets the intelligence community has?

6. Was former CIA...Cannistraro wrong ...>>Perhaps they do not want the general public to know everything.

7. Not necessarily, no

8. Yes, have you ever seen the terrain in that area.

9. True, and still hundreds if not thousands more reside right here, maybe your neighbor.

10. Sure they are in big trouble, a good lesson for those who harbor our enemies.

11. Why did we take precious military and intelligence resources away from tracking down those who did attack the United States, and who may have again attacked the United States, to invade countries that had not attacked the United States in 1941 and 1942?

12. Why are you concerned with what the Arab world thinks?

13. How can Hussein be compared to Hitler>>read Mien Kampf, the similarities are remarkable. Of course in your narrow minded look you fail to see the entire picture.

14. The answer to all this nonsense is no, additionally I doubt you have a clue what the constitution says or means or for that matter even where to find a copy.

15. gas used was more likely controlled by Iran not Iraq? >>How do you use this as evidence that Iraq does not have the same or other gasses?

16. 100,000 and 300,000 US soldiers>> a large number did have the syndrome <> there is no evidence of this, just liberal propaganda

17. Are you prepared for possibly hundreds of thousands of American casualties if we do nothing and they do attack the United States?

18. Are we willing to bear the economic burden of a war with Iraq, and other muslim nations on our soil endangering your family, wife, husband, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, friends, your home, your dreams?

19. This is true and show the reason the UN is a worthless organization.

20. The objective then was to remove Iraq from Kuwait, failure to abide by the cease fire agreement is a completely different scenario.

21. True, So what?

22. I don't want to be a member of the international community.

23. For the same reasons we supported Mussolini during WWII

24. Yes

25. I doubt you are old enough to even know what was going on at the time, at the time Iraq was not nearly as dangerous as Iran, try using a history book, if you can locate one that has not been poisoned by liberals

26. Can you say Nagasaki?

27. Why do the oil company executives>> Cite those who do and the reasons they do support this effort. Cite your reasons for not supporting this effort. Who will your generations Jane Fonda be?

28. Why is it that those who never fight, gain more than those who do?

29. What is the moral argument for not attacking a nation that has initiated aggression against us?

30. Where does the Constitution grant us anything. Your terrible lack of knowledge is deplorable.

31. Is it not true that Treaty's are to be abided.

32. We make war that we may live in peace. :Aristotle (384-322 B.C.),

33. You don't remember the highway of death, soldiers giving up to drone aircraft.

34. Damned unfortunate, good thing we are trying to rectify that mistake.

35. What would you whine about if they did and it passed?