Dear Senior Editor Wasserman:

What the heck are you smoking today?...You are off your rocker!! As an Arkansan, your support for the weenie Billy Boy is pathetic...I would have Bush ANY day in the White House over your beloved sicko, phony baloney, hypocrite liar "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton!!

Get real. You are living in the 60's just like all your other liberal buddies.....the Me Me generation of "if it feels good do it " is trying to belittle conservatives, Christians and anyone else who makes you feel guilty for living an immoral life style. Sorry you just can't figure it out. THE real truth will set you free.....that is why Bush can lead..... and you can't!! Ask the boys in the military who they would rather have as commaner- in -chief and then just sit back and relax. The landing on the carrier was peanuts compared to the extravagance of the Clinton administrations for 8 LONG years. The only way Clinton knows how to fly is smoking it..............

There is no floundering. A whole lot of wishful thinking on your part won't make it so either.

C.E. Nelson