Dear Ms. Ivins,

I have just recently been introduced to your work at Free Press. Impressive to say the least. Reading your bio, it occurred to me you are far more qualified to lead this country than our current "dictator". I sure wish the rest of America could see the truth about this administration as you do.

Your column dated October 16, 2003, entitled "Bush-hater strikes again" was very enlightening and to the point. Although I'm not sure I can agree with you about Bush, stating, "You would have to work at it to dislike him personally". I have never met him but unfortunately (for him) his reputation has preceded him.

I have mounted my own campaign over the last several months to uncover the dealings of the entire Bush family. Beginning with Prescott Bush supplying goods to the Nazi regime during WWII, through the "stolen" 2000 election.

I am appalled by the number of people in this country that refuse to hear the truth. I have collected over 150 pages of articles such as yours that plainly show the real Bush family. I have been able to convince a few but most just don't want to hear it. Maybe when this country is totally in the tank, if it isn't already, they'll figure it out.

My voice doesn't carry much weight, but armed with the information you provide, I can at least cause some to listen. I'll continue to do all I can to campaign for Bush as the next Ex-President in 2004.

Please keep you the excellent work.  

Best regards, Perry