We have just completed a year of defensive war pitting America and the
civilized world against Islamist fascist terrorists. While the war
officially began on September 11th, 2001 it has been raging as a slow
bloodletting for at least thirty years. During this time the leaders and
people of the American Republic have been tolerant and hoped that those
misguided by evil interpretations of Islam would evolve to become
contributing members of society.
Unfortunately, the mad feudal Islamist barbarians have not reformed. As a result, they unleashed the hell of September 11th. They are now reaping what they have sown - utter devastation. The United States will stop at nothing to defend liberty and the military operation in Iraq during 2003 is but a taste of what awaits all Islamist savages - if America stays the course with clear moral vision and strong leadership.
The previous year also revealed a virulent domestic political and cultural malady that emboldens Islamist terrorists and all like minded human monsters. It is the anti-American creed advocating a lethal ideological mix of utopian leftist elitism, multi-cultural moral relativism, suicidal pacifism, anti-capitalism, Fabian socialism and immature tolerance of such evil philosophies as Communism and anarchy. The official moniker of this horridly misguided doctrine is liberalism, aka, progressive thought. Its more accurate label is neo-liberal leftism.
From the search for flower power cosmic justice to perversely admiring the likes of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Arafat and countless other utopian leftist deviants, the devotees of malevolent neo-liberal leftism have more than once led humanity to despotism and serfdom. Any objective historian would instantly acknowledge this by the partial list of tyrants above .
Neo-liberal leftist dogma is a cultural philosophical blight. It is emotion based and driven by virulent historical dishonesty, moral cowardice, nihilistic narcissism, childish ingratitude, blatant hypocrisy and astounding hubris - with class envy, resentment and jealousy made legitimate. In order to fool themselves and experience the false bliss of believing in their own (id) fantasy of idealistic superiority, its followers have misleadingly packaged this awful doctrine with a non-threatening sirens song label - liberal or progressive.
The venomous neo-liberal leftist core message of multi-cultural moral equivocation and suicidal give peace a chance naiveté has been injected into society - under the falsely sublime cover of being the ultimate cosmic answer to resolving the inequities of life. In reality, it is a total lie and potentially the final kiss of death for the civilized world.
Neo-liberal leftism and its adherents blindly enable and facilitate the monstrous efforts of Islamist fascists - who are attempting to extinguish the free world and lead humanity back to a new dark age. Put more directly, Islamist fascists play neo-liberal leftists as the suckers they truly are - placing civilization squarely in the crosshairs of ruin.
From the Democratic Presidential candidates to so-called erudite university professors to Hollywood and media elites, malicious neo-liberal leftist dogma now permeates the American cultural soul. Allowing this malevolent doctrine to develop deeper societal roots will effectively form a fifth column within the United States and further embolden the Islamist savages.
Fortunately, rational leaders and responsible citizens immediately recognize neo-liberal leftism as intellectually and morally unhinged. These are the ones who ultimately defend civilization, expand freedom and save humanity.
Washington, Lincoln, Churchill, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan and their fellow countrymen are models of successful leaders and citizens who willingly took action to save the free world. We must strive to emulate them, for once again we are staring into the abyss of cultural annihilation, i.e., the overwhelming horror and lethal lesson of September 11th.
Victory in the war against Islamist fascism and revealing neo-liberal leftism as the enabling pavement on the road to cultural hell are the macro societal issues that we face in 2004. Both are matters of life and death for civilization. Success or failure to achieve these objectives will be largely guided by the results of the most important political event in 2004 - the Presidential election. The fate of the free world will be profoundly effected by the outcome.
If we are mature in the election decision, there is only one candidate at this time in history who can lead the United States and the civilized world to a more positive future - President George W. Bush.
Mr. Bush's moral credibility, intellectual honesty, willingness to audaciously defend America, commitment to victory in the war against Islamist fascists terrorists and, most importantly, total rejection of poisonous neo-liberal leftism are the right stuff for this awesome responsibility. Moreover, Mr. Bush's performance in conducting the war while simultaneously orchestrating an astounding economic turnaround has been exemplary.
To be sure, Mr. Bush has fallen short on some important domestic issues such as flawed immigration reform, misguided Medicare legislation and an inexplicable expansion of Federal spending. However, these shortcomings pale when compared to the alternative. Let us not talk falsely now - the Democratic Presidential contenders and their Democratic Party supporters are neo-liberal leftists. They can not be trusted with the well being of liberty at stake.
If the guiding cultural ideology in America is neo-liberal leftism, our national leadership will be weak and feckless. If that occurs at this critical juncture in the war against Islamist barbarism, the destiny of humanity could easily tip toward a new dark age of want, death and tyranny. Islamist fascism and neo-liberal leftism must be vanquished and relegated to the history of failed social and political creeds.
We can not ignore the reality that the United States of America is the leader of the free world - that is simply the way it is. As citizens of this greatest of nations, it is with sacred responsibility, honor and humility that we must rationally step up and take the helm - as our ancestors did in previous struggles to defend liberty and civilization.
Our primary macro cultural efforts for 2004 must be focused on the re-election of President Bush. His neo-liberal leftist Democratic competition is morally and intellectually bankrupt - just as neo-liberal leftist dogma and those who worship at its alter.
Vance McDonald is a political commentator and essayist living in Los Angeles.
Unfortunately, the mad feudal Islamist barbarians have not reformed. As a result, they unleashed the hell of September 11th. They are now reaping what they have sown - utter devastation. The United States will stop at nothing to defend liberty and the military operation in Iraq during 2003 is but a taste of what awaits all Islamist savages - if America stays the course with clear moral vision and strong leadership.
The previous year also revealed a virulent domestic political and cultural malady that emboldens Islamist terrorists and all like minded human monsters. It is the anti-American creed advocating a lethal ideological mix of utopian leftist elitism, multi-cultural moral relativism, suicidal pacifism, anti-capitalism, Fabian socialism and immature tolerance of such evil philosophies as Communism and anarchy. The official moniker of this horridly misguided doctrine is liberalism, aka, progressive thought. Its more accurate label is neo-liberal leftism.
From the search for flower power cosmic justice to perversely admiring the likes of Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Arafat and countless other utopian leftist deviants, the devotees of malevolent neo-liberal leftism have more than once led humanity to despotism and serfdom. Any objective historian would instantly acknowledge this by the partial list of tyrants above .
Neo-liberal leftist dogma is a cultural philosophical blight. It is emotion based and driven by virulent historical dishonesty, moral cowardice, nihilistic narcissism, childish ingratitude, blatant hypocrisy and astounding hubris - with class envy, resentment and jealousy made legitimate. In order to fool themselves and experience the false bliss of believing in their own (id) fantasy of idealistic superiority, its followers have misleadingly packaged this awful doctrine with a non-threatening sirens song label - liberal or progressive.
The venomous neo-liberal leftist core message of multi-cultural moral equivocation and suicidal give peace a chance naiveté has been injected into society - under the falsely sublime cover of being the ultimate cosmic answer to resolving the inequities of life. In reality, it is a total lie and potentially the final kiss of death for the civilized world.
Neo-liberal leftism and its adherents blindly enable and facilitate the monstrous efforts of Islamist fascists - who are attempting to extinguish the free world and lead humanity back to a new dark age. Put more directly, Islamist fascists play neo-liberal leftists as the suckers they truly are - placing civilization squarely in the crosshairs of ruin.
From the Democratic Presidential candidates to so-called erudite university professors to Hollywood and media elites, malicious neo-liberal leftist dogma now permeates the American cultural soul. Allowing this malevolent doctrine to develop deeper societal roots will effectively form a fifth column within the United States and further embolden the Islamist savages.
Fortunately, rational leaders and responsible citizens immediately recognize neo-liberal leftism as intellectually and morally unhinged. These are the ones who ultimately defend civilization, expand freedom and save humanity.
Washington, Lincoln, Churchill, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan and their fellow countrymen are models of successful leaders and citizens who willingly took action to save the free world. We must strive to emulate them, for once again we are staring into the abyss of cultural annihilation, i.e., the overwhelming horror and lethal lesson of September 11th.
Victory in the war against Islamist fascism and revealing neo-liberal leftism as the enabling pavement on the road to cultural hell are the macro societal issues that we face in 2004. Both are matters of life and death for civilization. Success or failure to achieve these objectives will be largely guided by the results of the most important political event in 2004 - the Presidential election. The fate of the free world will be profoundly effected by the outcome.
If we are mature in the election decision, there is only one candidate at this time in history who can lead the United States and the civilized world to a more positive future - President George W. Bush.
Mr. Bush's moral credibility, intellectual honesty, willingness to audaciously defend America, commitment to victory in the war against Islamist fascists terrorists and, most importantly, total rejection of poisonous neo-liberal leftism are the right stuff for this awesome responsibility. Moreover, Mr. Bush's performance in conducting the war while simultaneously orchestrating an astounding economic turnaround has been exemplary.
To be sure, Mr. Bush has fallen short on some important domestic issues such as flawed immigration reform, misguided Medicare legislation and an inexplicable expansion of Federal spending. However, these shortcomings pale when compared to the alternative. Let us not talk falsely now - the Democratic Presidential contenders and their Democratic Party supporters are neo-liberal leftists. They can not be trusted with the well being of liberty at stake.
If the guiding cultural ideology in America is neo-liberal leftism, our national leadership will be weak and feckless. If that occurs at this critical juncture in the war against Islamist barbarism, the destiny of humanity could easily tip toward a new dark age of want, death and tyranny. Islamist fascism and neo-liberal leftism must be vanquished and relegated to the history of failed social and political creeds.
We can not ignore the reality that the United States of America is the leader of the free world - that is simply the way it is. As citizens of this greatest of nations, it is with sacred responsibility, honor and humility that we must rationally step up and take the helm - as our ancestors did in previous struggles to defend liberty and civilization.
Our primary macro cultural efforts for 2004 must be focused on the re-election of President Bush. His neo-liberal leftist Democratic competition is morally and intellectually bankrupt - just as neo-liberal leftist dogma and those who worship at its alter.
Vance McDonald is a political commentator and essayist living in Los Angeles.