I notice that you, like just about so many these days, keep on ranting about Bush is to blame for this and Bush is to blame for that. Bush is to blame for just about everything, as if this dumbshit bastard was some kind of wizard with the capability of doing much more more than to eat, bark and shit, like any  other dog around.

You have had plutocracy rather than democracy prevailing in the US of A for generations. The President elected, whether Democrat or Republican, is the candidate supported by the "big money" in America, and is their man, running the show during his period, the way they want it run. This is a fact, not needing any further discussion but to be put on record here. It is evidently not clearly seen by the majority of the brainwashed American population, but for anyone observing the election process and show from outside, there is no doubt. Period. It is a fact.

The question then is, why do people like you keep on blaming  President George for what is going on?. Shooting the piano player was always an unintelligent and stupid act, and I refuse to believe that you are that dumb. Nope sir, you are definitely not without some education and brains, Hence the question remains, who are you really, and why do you keep on shooting at the stupid piano player ?

The only reason I can see, is that you are employed by the plutocrats to do this rant about Bush, in order to  diverge any attention whatsoever towards those who are responsible.  Somehow, somewhere along the line, even though you do not know it yourself (which I do not believe :-),  you must receive financial support from the true rulers of the US of A. i.e. the owners of the Federal Reserve.  You may of course claim that you are totally  brain washed, which would be an excuse for the ranting that you do. But again, nope, I do not in believe that ;-) I believe you are relatively clever manipulators.

American Imperialism did not start with Dumb George W. Bush, and it will not end with him.  On the contrary, this ugly act will continue around the world with the help of people like you, doing a relatively clever  job hiding and lying to the US population, about the real truth behind the atrocities carried out as noble acts of protecting the world against acts of terrorism.

Therefore, I see you as much more responsible for the wars and sufferings taking place in this world of ours, than President George. He is quite evidently just an idiot and a dumb puppet on the string. Your however, are clever manipulators of words, twisting and hiding  the reality and the truth. And that gentlemen, is a terrible crime against humanity. With sad regards, Svein Evensen