Dear FreePress,

I am writing you to convey a feeling of hopelessness and deep sadness for our country since the election. I am a member of a family of three, a contributor to society, a taxpayer, a moral citizen. I am a gay woman. I feel the tide changing in our country toward prejudice and exclusion. Now my own daughter is under fire for defending her family in her college freshman classes and for speaking her mind against anti-gay policies.

My faith in our Nation's leaders has steadfastly diminished and I fear for religious moral righteous justification to pursue an agenda that promotes only prejudice and hate. If our own President cannot promote acceptance and condemn hate and prejudice, how can we maintain peace and freedom in our own diverse nation? Is Mr. Bush worthy of the highest office in our country when all citizens are not equal under his watch?

Please help fight for a hate-free America and equal treatment for all Americans.