The greatest of all falsehoods visited upon the American people by the Bush Administration is that the President’s policies, both foreign and domestic, spring from the combination of a muscular Christianity and direct revelations from Almighty God to George W. Bush.

It is not Christian to invade a country which had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11, killing 100,000 innocent citizens of Iraq and causing the deaths of over a thousand Americans to achieve this horrible injustice. Jesus never committed nor advocated such a crime, nor, I assure you, did He ever tell George Bush to go forth and do so in His Name.

Jesus said, "I was born into the world to tell the truth”. Can the same be said of President Bush?

The Son of God never justified the use of torture against those imprisoned, whether in war or peacetime, neither did He believe in false imprisonment by the denial of fundamental legal and human rights.

Nowhere in the Bible do I read of Jesus Christ taking money from the poor and middle classes for the further enrichment of those whose assets already number in the billions of dollars.

To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Bentsen of Texas in his vice presidential debate with Dan Quayle in 1988, “I know Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a friend of mine. President George W. Bush, you are not a Christian.”