I voted for Peroutka. I didn't want either one of the creeps. But how is it that you just don't understand that the "two-party system" is a joke on you and the rest of us?
Don't you get it? Both candidates are members of the Brotherhood of Death. Both do the bidding of their shadow handlers. We are not represented by those we elect. It's the super-rich globalists who run everything. And they don't care what we little insects do to each other. It only matters that we keep toiling and paying our taxes, buying their crap and watching their movies and TV garbage, listening to their crummy "music". As Americans are weakened and our economy is lowered to bring us closer to that of the third world countries our "duly elected" representatives take our money and enrich themselves. Don't you believe Carroll Quigley's writings?
Don't you get it? Both candidates are members of the Brotherhood of Death. Both do the bidding of their shadow handlers. We are not represented by those we elect. It's the super-rich globalists who run everything. And they don't care what we little insects do to each other. It only matters that we keep toiling and paying our taxes, buying their crap and watching their movies and TV garbage, listening to their crummy "music". As Americans are weakened and our economy is lowered to bring us closer to that of the third world countries our "duly elected" representatives take our money and enrich themselves. Don't you believe Carroll Quigley's writings?