Much has been written about America’s role as the world’s policeman-that it is a part no one has asked us to play, that we do so ineptly, etc. But even a cursory examination of the behavior of the United States for the past three years will reveal that our country has not acted in such a manner during that period. Consider that Bush is now beginning his prewar rampup to a war in Iran by sending Colin Powell onto stage to claim that those evil Persians are building missiles and warheads to deliver nuclear (nucular to you, Mr. President) weapons against America. Then Mr. Bush started talking tough against North Korea again, warning it that no nuclear weapons would be tolerated within its borders. Watch out, Mr. Kim Jong Il, he’s got a mandate in his pocket. Then, to top things off, our chief executive demanded an explanation from President Putin of Russia as to why he had taken actions that Bush felt were undemocratic. I guess the latter didn’t realize that he had been reelected President only of our country, not the world. Vladimir had better shape up, or George W. will “preempt” him.

My point is that when someone repeatedly kicks in the door of innocent countries, killing many of those living inside, setting up housekeeping and ordering around the true owners of that house, you no longer call them a policeman. You call them what they are: a career criminal.