If you wish to resist in a nonviolent fashion the deeds of both George W. Bush and those who do his bidding, you have to be prepared.
You have to be prepared to continue speaking out when you see something wrong, whether it is an immoral, evil war in Iraq or the further impoverishment of your fellow citizens here at home. You have to be prepared to do this without hatred, without physical aggression, without name calling, and without exaggeration or outright falsehood. You are the force which preserves truth. And truth is the only thing preventing America from the complete entropy of fascism.
You have to be prepared to hear yourself called traitor, betrayer, an enemy and would-be assassin of your country. You have to do this regardless that your actions and those of your fellow patriots are the only glue holding together the United States of America.
You have to be prepared to be thrown into prison, or worse, because of your faith in America and the principles for which it stands. Jesus was a criminal by the standards of the Roman Empire, and Gandhi a felon in the eyes of the British authority of India. Jesus and Gandhi were right, and knew this absolutely.
Such knowledge of the Truth is a source of true power.
You have to be prepared to do all of these things, these right things, for years. For the rest of your life. George W. Bush did not bring evil to America, and it will not leave on January 20, 2009 with his departure from the White House. The only way that evil and the men who worship at its altar can win is if good decides not to show up. It is not true that half the battle is showing up. Showing up as a force and agent of good is all of the battle, and victory is assured. In the movie Gandhi, Ben Kingsly in the title role says, and I paraphrase “Whenever you feel close to despair, remember that throughout history, tyrants and murderers have arisen. Yet they always fall. Always. Think of it.”
Think of it. Never forget it. Then take a deep breath and join us. It may seem hard to believe now, but the day will come when all of this will seem like a very bad nightmare. But we will wake up.
You have to be prepared to continue speaking out when you see something wrong, whether it is an immoral, evil war in Iraq or the further impoverishment of your fellow citizens here at home. You have to be prepared to do this without hatred, without physical aggression, without name calling, and without exaggeration or outright falsehood. You are the force which preserves truth. And truth is the only thing preventing America from the complete entropy of fascism.
You have to be prepared to hear yourself called traitor, betrayer, an enemy and would-be assassin of your country. You have to do this regardless that your actions and those of your fellow patriots are the only glue holding together the United States of America.
You have to be prepared to be thrown into prison, or worse, because of your faith in America and the principles for which it stands. Jesus was a criminal by the standards of the Roman Empire, and Gandhi a felon in the eyes of the British authority of India. Jesus and Gandhi were right, and knew this absolutely.
Such knowledge of the Truth is a source of true power.
You have to be prepared to do all of these things, these right things, for years. For the rest of your life. George W. Bush did not bring evil to America, and it will not leave on January 20, 2009 with his departure from the White House. The only way that evil and the men who worship at its altar can win is if good decides not to show up. It is not true that half the battle is showing up. Showing up as a force and agent of good is all of the battle, and victory is assured. In the movie Gandhi, Ben Kingsly in the title role says, and I paraphrase “Whenever you feel close to despair, remember that throughout history, tyrants and murderers have arisen. Yet they always fall. Always. Think of it.”
Think of it. Never forget it. Then take a deep breath and join us. It may seem hard to believe now, but the day will come when all of this will seem like a very bad nightmare. But we will wake up.