Aside from Joan Lesko Giardina’s excellent letter to the editor on August 19 and Tom Zeller’s unconscionable attempt (in his Nevember 12 article) to discount the preponderance of “Votergate” elections rigging evidence, virtually nothing has appeared in the “NY Times” that would indicate that the American people are truly indignant over the theft of their votes. The fact is, however, that they are. That is the reason that the people’s votes are about to be recounted in Washington and Ohio. What every true American knows ­ and most every Ukrainian, Canadian, Latin American, African, Asian, and European definitely knows happened ­ is that the US elections were rigged. 80% of America’s votes were counted on machines supplied by ES&S and Diebold, the CEOs of which are strong Republican contributors that possessed the wish of delivering the vote to their pre-selected candidate, G.W. Bush. On November 2, that’s exactly what they did. The always-highly-reliable exit polls declare that the people voted for John Kerry. The villains of “Votergate” placed an unelected candidate in power, thereby committing an act of high treason against the American Republic and all of its Democratic Allies the World over!

An attack on the process of electing this county's highest officials is an attack on our God-given, unalienable rights ­ those of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." To secure these rights "Governments are instituted among Men [and Women], deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed," to quote the US Declaration of Independence. The "Votergate" elections fraud that occurred on November 2, 2004 was an attack on the security of the USA as defined in the US Constitution (art.3, sec.3). The key words here are “secure” and "security." Elections are the divinely ordained, originary rite instituted by free, sovereign peoples for SECURING their rights to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Treason is an attack on a given nation’s SECURITY. An attack on the very process of SECURING that nation’s rights through the electoral process is therefore an attack of the highest order. I would call it an act of High Treason ­ nay, more ­ an act of Highest Treason and an unchristian attack on the fundamental Christian Enlightenment values embodied in this nation’s most sacred documents.

Avi Ruben at Johns Hopkins University, Steven Freeman at the University of Pennsylvania, the UC Berkeley team, and former MIT mathematics professor David Anick, among others, all present arguments indicating that the probability of elections fraud on November 2, 2004 is so high as to constitute a near 100% certainty. Zogby is of the same opinion. Recounting the votes will provide the proof we need to impeach the responsible culprits, whoever they are, for their highly immoral, unchristian theft of the American People’s fundamental rights. These are the rights with which, as Thomas Jefferson says in the Declaration of Independence, the American People are "endowed by their Creator." Recounting the votes is therefore a Religious Mission, the Divine Right of the Free, and ­ above all ­ All America's Divinely Mandated Duty!

This duty is above all incumbent on the American Media. The democratic World Media must also play its part. The BBC notes the seminal role played by the Ukrainian media in upholding the people’s will and returning that country from a state of autocratic servitude to a position of democratic self-autonomy:

The “Votergate” documentary lucidly describing the existence of elections irregularities on November 2, 2004 is now available on line: Keith Olbermann has long ago broken the story of “Votergate”: Now Wayne Madsen even claims that “Votergate” indeed did happen with Saudi and Enron funding (read this article and follow the links at its conclusion to its pair of precursors): Admittedly, Madsen's claims are in need of factual validation, but all facts indicate that "Votergate," in fact, did occur.

The preponderance of evidence proving the NEOCONS’[election]PIRACY 2004 is too great to any longer be ignored. In the US, failing to address the existence of such evidence borders on treason. The framers of the US Constitution said that ­ and I quote: “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort” (art.3, sec.3). By failing to report on “Votergate,” the NY Times makes itself culpable of treason against the American Republic and its Democratic Allies the World round by giving “Aid and Comfort” to the Votergate Conspirators.

By taking it upon yourselves to report the news, you have put yourselves in the public eye. The public eye is upon you now. The democratic American and World public hold the NY Times personally accountable for reporting on “Votergate.” Do your job! Report on “Votergate” now! Should you continue your presently unpardonable derilection of journalistic duty, you shall face the consequences for committing treason against the American People and their Democratic World Allies!