
From the beginning of the 2004 election the constituency of Democrat voters could be described as scared optimists. We willingly gave our money, time and effort and fought hard for a cause we ultimately lost. As we watched the campaign take its course, the hypocrisy of the Bush-Rove political machine alternately left us either slack-jawed or confounded with its hypocrisy, its deceit, and its determination to rewrite our freedom! This, of course began way before 9/11! Between the corporately funded propaganda collaborating with the media’s ludicrous political judgments, we felt as Sherlock Holmes, when he said, “I wonder how a battery feels when it pours electricity into a non-conductor!”

Today we still feel that way, as we look into an abyss with the questionable leadership of George W. Bush, we don’t know where we are headed! To find our way out, we must loosen the Bush’s Regime’s Orwellian stranglehold on the political thought of the 51% who voted for him, and at the same time keep together and strengthen the rest of us, who will not give up the fight! With most of the media going undercover and collaborating with the Bush mainstream, this will not be easy! Our greatest leaders envisioned a future for us that will never happen with George W. Bush and his inner circle. Especially since this Administration’s personal responsibility is non-existent! Arthur W. Newcomb said “Show me the leader and I will know his men, show me the men, and I will know the leader. If we are following Newcomb’s advice, judging from the present Administration, we are heading in the WRONG direction!

In witnessing the latest action, or rather inaction, of leading Democrat Congressmen, we can not guarantee success! They received an “F” on their report cards when it came to standing up for our individual constitutional right to vote! Only few in the House, and one in the Senate, showed the courage to protect our Democracy in this instance! We heartily congratulate the lone Senator, Barbara Boxer, and Members of the House of Representatives, who like John Conyers, Stephanie Tubb-Jones, Maxine Waters, and the others, who had the backbone we wished more would have had! After letting us down when we relied on them, they will have to go a long way in restoring our faith!

The last element will be the awakening of the public to the truths George Bush and his cronies try to hide, stonewall or cover-up, because without that revelation, our Democracy will hang in the balance. The people in this country, as a whole, put themselves and their families first, which is important and certainly understandable, but now will have to be willing to expand their interests from only what is good for me, or my family, to what is good for my country, as it surely will have a trickle down effect on us all! Franklin Delano Roosevelt told us, “The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interest of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over its government!” This has never been truer than it is today!