Radicals in Congress want absolute power in the Senate to appoint justices that will favor corporate interests over the public good and eliminate American values like determining our future through compromise and negotiation.

To get absolute control and power, these radicals plan to use a parliamentary trick they call the "nuclear option" to overturn 200 years of bipartisan checks and balances that have kept the courts fair for centuries and democracy working by allowing the minority to influence the majority in power. Using the nuclear option is nothing less than instituting a dictatorship while eliminating democracy.

Last term Senate Democrats confirmed almost 95% of President Bush's judicial nominees. Eliminating the filibuster is not about overcoming "obstructionism", it’s about the desire for complete one-party control over all three branches of government. It eliminates all negotiation about any issue, including the budget, war, jobs, healthcare, etc. It gives corporations absolute control of all three branches of government.

Republicans have taken the majority of campaign donation dollars from their huge corporate backers. Now they're seeking to use the courts to pay back their big donors by overturning protections that corporations have long agitated to remove like labor rights, environmental laws, privacy rights, debt limits, limits on corporate power as well as exporting high paying jobs out of the United States.

This is the time to stand up and fight for freedom, democracy and the American way. Oppose the radicals; help keep the balance of power and democracy alive.