As a lifelong democrat I am becoming more and more frustrated with both my party and the media coverage. If its okay to talk about Republicans changing the rules on Judicial fillibusters why is it never mentioned that the Democrats have changed the rules by using fillibusters where they've never been used before.
Yes, Abe Fortas was fillibustered, sort of, but he lost the Senate vote only gaining 45 votes. Was that not an important fact for your story?
The bottom line is the Dems lack leadership and understanding as to how to behave as a minority party. The country has become more conservative and the Dems insist on becoming more liberal. That is certainly their right but as they continue to lose the White House and margins in the legislature (not to mention Federal judgeships and the Supreme Court) they will eventually realize that the party must support the causes of its members not the other way around.
Michael A. Mayer
Wallingford, PA
Yes, Abe Fortas was fillibustered, sort of, but he lost the Senate vote only gaining 45 votes. Was that not an important fact for your story?
The bottom line is the Dems lack leadership and understanding as to how to behave as a minority party. The country has become more conservative and the Dems insist on becoming more liberal. That is certainly their right but as they continue to lose the White House and margins in the legislature (not to mention Federal judgeships and the Supreme Court) they will eventually realize that the party must support the causes of its members not the other way around.
Michael A. Mayer
Wallingford, PA