The POER extends our sympathy to the Bill Moss Family and our organization has you in our daily prayers.

It is a sad day in Columbus, when the largest newspaper in Columbus under the leadership of its editor and owner, John Wolfe, still finds it necessary to show his hatred and his very racist character. A great leader in the Black Community, Bill Moss, has not even been laid to rest but Mr. Wolfe feels it was necessary to disrespect the Black community with a racist and disheartened cartoon.

The POER and our Black Community do not find any humor of trying to mock one of our great leaders. Bill Moss will be remembered for his love for the children in the Columbus Public School System and for the hard work he did while serving on the Columbus Board of Education. When others on the Board of Education were too afraid to speak the truth, Bill Moss shouted the truth for everyone in the Columbus community to hear.

Mr. Wolfe, maybe you in your isolated white culture can justify the cartoon. The truth is that you would not dare put a nazi cartoon making fun of a Jewish person who had died. You would never put one of your white leaders in a carton when their family was still struggling with their lost. The reason that you dare to put such a cartoon in your newspaper because you have no respect for Bill Moss Family and the Black Community in Columbus.

Mr. Wolfe, we refused to let you portray one of our leaders in a very negative image. The Black community will have a positive image of Bill Moss that he has created. Cartoons by white racist like you and your derogatory newspaper will never define our leaders. If we accept your cartoon, then we see our leaders in a negative way, precisely the way white America wants us to see our leaders.

It is crystal clear that you do not see an economic problem for your action. Mr. Wolfe, a great number of Black citizens in Columbus buy your newspaper daily or they have a home subscription. Black citizens respond to the vast advertisements in your newspaper. Of course you may not see the economic relationship of the Black community with your newspaper.

In conclusion, with due respect to the Mr. Bill Moss Family, our organization has decided to delay any direct action against you and your newspaper until our leader is buried with the dignity that he has earned. But, I am requesting all Black citizens in Columbus and the Central Ohio Area to stop buying your newspaper and to stop their subscriptions starting today.

Mr. Wolfe, I leave you with the great words of Martin Luther King, Jr. "But here comes a time when people get tired. There come a time when people get tired of being trampled over by the iron feet of oppression. There comes a time when people get tired of being plunged across the abyss of exploitation where they experience of nagging despair…"

Mr. Wolfe, our organization is tired and the Black community is tired of you playing games with our people. We will never be too tired to fight for justice and equality.