I think the answer lies in the body politic of the Democratic ( so called ) Leadership Council.
I remember reading someplace that Felix Rohatyn said.....fifteen years or so ago...
A great infusion of extreme right money was being poured into Republican coffers, and the Repubs were "following the money." At taht point, the democrats gave up being the opposition party, and smelling all that money, learned the financial advantage of SHARED POWER with the Rebublicans.
The DLC now, as I write this, gets vast monies from the extreme right.....
Only the grass roots ( old Deaniacs, faithful to Howard dean and his vision) keep any hope of taking our country back....We cannot and must not follow the DLC'ers.....the grass roots will have to put of their own candidates , support them, and get them elected.
I remember reading someplace that Felix Rohatyn said.....fifteen years or so ago...
A great infusion of extreme right money was being poured into Republican coffers, and the Repubs were "following the money." At taht point, the democrats gave up being the opposition party, and smelling all that money, learned the financial advantage of SHARED POWER with the Rebublicans.
The DLC now, as I write this, gets vast monies from the extreme right.....
Only the grass roots ( old Deaniacs, faithful to Howard dean and his vision) keep any hope of taking our country back....We cannot and must not follow the DLC'ers.....the grass roots will have to put of their own candidates , support them, and get them elected.