I like the article by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman October 18, 2005 entiled : Why can't the left face the Stolen Elections of 2004 & 2008?

A lot of information seems to surface now a days regarding stolen elections. I'm under the understanding from researchers that this is a standard norm in governmants  If we go back to the Roman Empire it is the standard norm of stolen elections. Lyndon Baines Johnson knew that President Kennedy stole the election in 1960 in all probability LBJ helped by way of Big Politics, Big Religion,Big Business or Corporations and there Banner Corps. And then when they were done with LBJ according to Lady Bird the Secret Service expired him.

And the article below sums the arguement:

Lincoln’s war settled once and for all the question of who would interpret the Constitution. It would no longer be the people of the sovereign states, but what Jefferson called the "black-robed deities" of the Supreme Court. Pro-life supporters at the Claremont Institute are supremely disingenuous and self-contradictory when they champion the Lincoln Myth on the one hand, while complaining about Roe v. Wade and other Supreme Court fabrications on the other. Without Lincoln’s war, Roe v. Wade would never have occurred. This point is clearly understood by abortion advocates such as Columbia University law professor George P. Fletcher. In his book, Our Secret Constitution, he praises Lincoln precisely because his war, and the post-war amendments to the Constitution put into place by the Republican Party, allowed this kind of judicial tyranny to occur.

Thomas J. DiLorenzo is the author of The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War,

Something to think about!