Top ten reasons you know the whole country is on drugs.

10.  Our president pauses during speeches like he doesn't have a clue and says "Um"

9.  Vice President Dick Cheney is found to have been collecting weapons of mass destruction.

8.  George Bush Jr. doesn't remember Jack Abramoff.

7.  The Democratic Party no longer knows what they stand for.

6.  We know the President is always lying to cover his ass but nobody cares.

5.  George Bush Jr. keeps talking about cartoons.

4.  The U.S. Government says that Global Warming Scientists are creating a far fetched religion.

3.  You arrested for being involved in a phone call where you said, "It was the bomb."

2. Six words, Propaganda, Rhetoric, Impunity, Fecklessness, Flailing, Irresponsibility.

1.  President Bush's N.S.A. wiretapping order goes to Pfizer Court.