“Knock, knock.”

“Who's there?”


“Joe who?”

“Joe worst nightmare – voters who are paying attention.”

And the day after he lost the primary, Joe Lieberman still didn't get the joke. He can't imagine this is happening, so he's pretending it didn't. Corporate media is analyzing itself into convulsions over this. It was the bloggers, it was MoveOn.org, it was crazy liberals from Internet cafés. It was very simple.

Lieberman lost because he was afraid. The radical liberals won because we were not afraid to lose.

Lieberman and the rest of the establishment Democrats who compromised themselves and their integrity when they supported this ugly war did so only as a calculated ploy. The moral objection to making war for expedient, political, or strategical reasons not only lost the argument, it wasn't even invited to the debate. There was no moral foundation for this war. They went along with it because they were afraid to say “no”. Now that it has become obvious that the war was a colossal blunder, they are afraid to admit it.

Lieberman, to this day, says that “the war was the right thing to do.” How can anyone, after witnessing a war of choice turned into a half billion dollar morass of death and chaos which puts our soldiers in a big shooting gallery for people who hate America (and why shouldn't they by now?) and has no possible resolution except the obvious one of admitting failure and walking away, how can anyone say that it was somehow ”right”? They can say it because they are afraid of being found out a fool originally, and a liar presently.

Lieberman and the rest of the Washington “Democrats for War” have tried to whistle past the Iraq graveyard ever since they got into bed with George Bush and that sleazy whore, the war prostitute.

The war prostitute didn't lure George Bush into bed, he's the one that brought her to the party. After those two got into bed, the war prostitute made eyes at Washington Democrats like Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. She said, “Come on in. We'll act so tough, everyone else will be afraid of us.” They saw an opportunity and they climbed into bed with her.

At first, they were hesitant, but they got comfortable real fast. Prostitutes are good at that; it's their business. She said, “Just give me some money and I'll make you feel like men (no offense Hillary)”. Hillary, indeed, was not offended - she welcomed the chance to put on a little of the perfume of testosterone. It was what her image needed - at the time.

And then everyone looked at the prostitute and asked, “What do we do now?” The prostitute answered, “Just pay me and I'll give you easy answers to all of today's problems.”

“What about tomorrow?” the more hesitant among them asked.

“Tomorrow? Silly boys, silly girls, you can pay me tomorrow for tomorrow's good times. Tonight we party.”

That was how the sad story began. This is how it ends. We kick them all out of bed, change the sheets and get down to some hard work.

Who's there? None of your business. Open the damn gate.

Tim Copeland is a radical liberal living in Maine. He is a retired Air Force pilot and serves on the Communications Committee of the York County Democratic Party.