In your article "Will Bush Cancel the 2008 Election?" you call for "every possible scenario to be discussed" that can stop the theft of the 2008 election by Bush.   This is indeed an urgent call, as the Bushes have stolen not only the 2000 and 2004 elections, as are well known, but also the 1980 election, as detailed in my book  October Surprise (Tudor, 1989) subsequently confirmed by a book of the same title three years later by Gary Sick,  and others (Robert Parry, Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery; and Ari ben Menasche, Profits of War).  

There is an answer to stopping the obvious plans for  'a new 9/11' or some other pretext to 'suspending'  the 2008 election and/or declaring martial law under  the new Directive 51:   

There must be a credible and immediate Call for  the Court Martial of the President for itemized and detailed abuses of his role as commander in chief  and his complicit chain of command for lying the nation into an immoral, illegal and unilateral war; violating the Geneva Conventions and international law by condoning kidnapping and torture; illegally and warrantlessly spying on American citizens, etc.  Though the vice president is not in the staturoty chain of command, this is superceded by the president's repeat claims, and actions on his claims, that his is a 'unitary' presidency and that 'when I speak, it's the vice president speaking' and visa versa.   

Because every brazen and extreme claim of executive power and authority by this administration has been made based on and grounded in the president's alleged absolute military 'commander in chief powers' 'because we're at war', only a military Call for Court Martial of the President and                                                                    his complicit Chain of Command confronts these  claims on the same legal and moral level that they are made.  It is also the only action -- envision as many active duty, high-ranking officers as have the courage to go public holding a joint press conference at the National Press Club making the Call -- that can shock the enabler Congress into moving forward on Impeachment, even if to 'avoid' a real Court Martial.  

World renowned legal scholar Francis Boyle has looked into court martialing a president and his complicit chain of command and says that it is not only legally viable, it requires but a single active duty officer to initiate Court Martial charge(s).  Obviously,  we would want as many active duty officers, of as high a rank as possible, to do so publicly together.  Standing with the active duty officers at the press conference should, of course, also be as many high-ranking retired military officers as possible.   Gen. William Odom comes to mind as one of the  first high ranking retired officers to approach. 

The officers willing to do this could, if they wish, exchange not moving forward with filing Court Martial charges -- which should be already written up and and passed out to the press at the Press Club -- for a commitment from Congress to move forward with what Pelosi should have allowed to proceed a long time ago -- Impeachment.   

All delegates to the recent July 4 Emergency Convention which merged the anti-Iraq War and 9/11 Truth movements in an explicit call to do so in that place and at that time by Cindy Sheehan, voted unanimously, in response to my motion and arguments, to include a Call for Court Martial of the president and his complicit chain of command in the formal Call to Action from the convention; and on July 8th in Los Angeles, courageous Marine Ready Reserve Johnny Wave seconded the call for the Court Martial of the President and his complicit chain of command from the dias of one of the largest Protestant churches  in L.A. in a special event MC'd by Ed Asner.  

This can be done, and it can work, but the call must go out to inside, active duty officers to come forward  and make the Call for Court Martial to save their nation now.   

Retired Air Force Lt. Col. Bob Bowman has taken up this Call for Court Martial, as well as for and in parallel with  the Call for Impeachment, in his 120-city Patriots speaking tour, but he cannot do it alone and needs help to make this the reality it needs to become for all of our sakes.