WASHINGTON, DC-Congressman Peter DeFazio (D-Springfield) today issued the following statement in response to the White House's official denial of access to classified annexes to National Security Presidential Directive-20 (NSPD-20).  NSPD-20 lays out the government's plan for continuity of the Federal government in the aftermath of a catastrophic national emergency. 

"If the Administration has a plan for the continuity of government, they should share it with the Congress.  We are a co-equal branch of the government charged with oversight responsibilities for the execution of laws and expenditure of federal funds.  Lacking any other information, I can only assume that this denial means one of three things:

1) There is no plan.  There are other instances where the Administration failed to meet deadlines for developing emergency plans;

2)  They have a plan but it over-reaches and is either extra-constitutional or unconstitutional;

3)  This is another example of the obsessively secretive Administration that refuses to share information with a co-equal branch of the government. 

All of these conclusions are disturbing and unsatisfactory.   

Chairman Thompson, Chairman Carney and I are talking with the House leadership to discuss our options and next steps."

Last month, DeFazio, a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee requested access to classified annexes to National Security Presidential Directive -20 which lays out the government's post catastrophic plan.  The White House initially approved the request, but later reversed course and refused DeFazio's verbal request for information.  Last week, DeFazio was joined by House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Thompson and Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Carney in sending a letter renewing the request for the information.  The White House again denied their request earlier this week.