Jesus fucking dog Christ! Why aren't the American people uncontrollably ANGRY!!!!!!! One reason, no doubt, has to do with our positively worthless mainline media, who do absolutely nothing for the American people. I mean, imagine if the lost Michael Jackson had been leaking tritium! But instead of the months straight of pure horseshit media coverage given to the pathetic Michael and other such pop culture rot, the Vermont Senate vote to disband its deadly nuke plant gets maybe a few minutes of, eh, I don't know what, exactly. Take me back to my youth, to a figurative, now distant time just before Jack London wrote "The Iron Heel," and I swear I'll join the good guys in his novel and take to the streets. I'm ready to kill certain people, artificial ones mainly, also known as corporations. What a stinking fucking mess we nutty humans, American style, have gotten ourselves into. Nietzsche, way the fuck ahead of our American "leaders" (laughter, laughter!) in terms of everything decent, said that in individuals insanity is rare, but that in groups, NATIONS, PARTIES, and epochs, it's the rule. If that divine pathetic bastard referred to by some as "God" is anywhere within hearing distance of the collective human voice, I hope He deigns to come down from His throne in the lofty clouds and gives us a hand in battling the insanity set in motion by "corporate personhood"! Meanwhile, I propose that every deceitful legislative bastard who's on record as supporting "problem-free" nuke solutions to our energy woes be required to live next to one of those death plants. When you reflect on it, do you really think that we in America are better off now than what we were under the King George from whom we once declared our independence? We're lambs being led to the slaughter, we Americans. Do we have a chance of ridding ourselves of our suicidal course? None, I suspect. But what might make us feel almost as good about ourselves is for us to get so mightily angry that we can't see straight, as we stand up, just once, at least, for something called justice in these post Ronald Cocksucker Reagan times! How? First, we expose the American voters to the positive lunacy of the swindling "Santa Clara County vs. The Southern Pacific Railroad" court case of 1886, which, like some evil magic, established far more than equal rights of corporations to those of actual people (Jesus, a little bit of logic chopping there, eh!) and, second, we institute publicly observed, ongoing lie detector tests for all American public officials. Think of, say, Ted Bundy, and then of Dick Cheney, and you tell me who of those two reeking criminals poses the greater risk to society at large? Nuke bombs away, America. There are yet a lot of poor people left to kill, inside your borders and beyond. Now get to it, you predator, you! Wait, first let us listen to our Star Spangled Banner in the background: "Oh, Say Can You See......."
