Op-ed by Harvey Wasserman, published in The New York Times

While killing the attempt to regulate this potentially dangerous AI technology, Newsom has become America's deadliest opponent of renewable energy. In particular he is forcing continued operation of the embrittled, decrepit, uninsured nuclear plant at Diablo Canyon, which---at a cost of $8-12 billion over market prices---could turn all of California into a radioactive wasteland.

Newsom in 2018 signed an agreement to phase out Diablo this and next year while phasing in renewables and battery storage. Solar, wind, geothermal, storage and efficiency have all soared ahead of expectations. Diablo's power is a detriment, over stressing an obsolete grid while blocking far cheaper renewables. 10,000 megawatts of new backup storage far exceed Diablo's output. But Newsom's Public Utilities Commission has gutted the rate structure and devastated our once-booming rooftop PV industry, costing thousands of jobs and billions in income. Just yesterday he vetoed a bill guaranteeing the spread of panels on schools and more.

We have no explanation for this horrifying Luddite turn by a governor who's painted himself "green". No one has done more damage to California's safe energy future than Gavin Newsom. Amidst our campaign to solarize the 2028 LA Olympics and put solar on every California rooftop ( https://www.downwithtyranny.com/post/the-2028-la-olympics-should-be-100-solar-powered ) we are horrified by this deeply disappointing governor when he should be on our team.

Op-ED published in The New York Times

Valley resident Harvey Wasserman co-hosts the “California Solartopia Show” on KPFK-Pacifica, 90.7FM.  He is co-founder of The Solartopian Olympics Committee, and author of The People’s Spiral of US History.